SKLGP大讲堂第92期 | Heinz Konietzky —1.Geohazards – Rockfall and Slope Instabilities;2.Longterm Behavior of Geotechnical Structures

发布时间:2024年07月18日 浏览数:1414

报告题目1. Geohazards – Rockfall and Slope Instabilities;

                 2. Longterm Behavior of Geotechnical Structures

报告人Heinz Konietzky





Heinz Konietzky教授,德国最高级别终身制教授、弗莱贝格工业大学岩土工程研究所主任、国际岩石力学学会“Franklin Lecturer”、国际著名岩土软件公司ITASCA高级顾问、教育部“111计划”引智专家、Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering等多本国际期刊编委。Heinz Konietzky教授在岩石力学和数值模拟等领域具有杰出的学术造诣,已在国际上发表论文200多篇,领导和参加了40多项大型欧盟及国际合作项目,组织和主持了30多次国内国际学术会议,被中、美、德、瑞土和捷克等国家的机构和企业聘为顾问或专家,已指导来自世界各地的6名洪堡学者和一名德国总理奖学金学者。


1.Based on engineering projects in Germany and Georgia multi-disciplinary approaches to investigate, monitore and predict mass movements incl. the development of protection concepts are presented.

2.The mechanical and hydro-thermo-mechanical coupled behaviour of underground structures(mining and radioactive waste repositories) over very long time spans (several 100 up to several 100.000 years) is predicted via numerical modelling. The simulations focus and longterm safety, ground surface response and barrier integrety.