New Edition of "Rock Mechanics" Published on September 18 2021
The textbook has 14 chapters, including rock engineering geological environment, rock physical and mechanical properties, mechanical properties of rock and structural plane of rock mass, engineering rock mass classification, rock strength theories, rock constitutive relationships, rock underground engineering, deep rock engineering, rock foundation engineering, rock slope engineering, rock dynamics, fluid-structure interaction and numerical methods in rock mechanics and so on. QR code embedded in the textbook was used as a new media to presenting 61 knowledge extension points, 20 test videos, and 2 sorts of software (App). More than 1,000 formulas were re-derived and validated, and a PPT with nearly 1,000 slides for teaching purposes was also provided. The laboratory and field tests described in the textbook are consistent with the current national standards and ISRM recommendations.
The aim of the textbook is to help students master the basic concepts and methods related to rock mechanics and rock engineering problems, understand the research development in the field of rock mechanics, cultivate the ability of critical thinking and problem solving, and establish a comprehensive understanding about rock mechanics and its applications. This textbook also provides useful resources and learning tools for young scholars in the field of rock mechanics.