
发布时间:2021年06月05日 浏览数:7945
  5月22日,学会收到国际岩石力学与岩石工程学会 (ISRM) 主席Reşat Ulusay 教授致函,在第五个"全国科技工作者日"来临之际,向中国科技工作者、工程师和技术人员致以节日的问候,Reşat Ulusay教授在信中表达:"全国科技工作者日"活动激励了百万计的中国科技工作者投身于科技的发展和创新;同时祝贺中国科协第十次全国代表大会即将召开,这是中国科技工作者为科技工作的治理和发展建言献策非常重要且成果显著的活动。
  Reşat Ulusay教授以国际岩石力学与岩石工程学会主席身份高度肯定了中国科协领导的中国岩石力学与工程学会和中国专家对ISRM发展做出的支持和贡献:包括在中国承办国际组织的会议、研讨会和巡回讲座等;组织大批学者参与和投稿ISRM各项学术活动;中国学者积极参与ISRM主席团和ISRM专委会主席工作;对ISRM教育基金会的支持;多次获得ISRM最佳国家小组奖项已有力地证明了上述工作,同时也说明中国岩石力学与工程学会将继续支持中国科协和国际岩石力学与岩石工程学会的工作。
  Reşat Ulusay教授最后祝所有的科技工作者为盛大活动的举行所做的努力,祝中国科技工作者通过上述活动增进友谊与动力,并预祝大会取得圆满成功。
国际合作部 供稿


Prof. Reşat Ulusay
President of International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM)


I am very glad to congratulate all the people related to science and technology in China will celebrating a major event, "Fifth National Science and Technology Workers' Day" end of May. In addition, the 10th National Congress of Chinese Association of Science and Technology (CAST) will also be organized the same month.  I am sure that National Science and Technology Workers' Day which is organized since 2017, has inspired millions of Chinese science and technology workers to devote themselves to advancing the development of science, technology and innovation. I also believe that the National Congress of CAST, which has a huge number of member societies and local branches in China, will maintain close ties with millions of Chinese scientists, engineers and other people working in the fields of science and technology. This event will also be a very important and fruitful event for Chinese science and technology workers to advise on the governance and development of the Chinese science community.

Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering (CSRME) is one of the member societies of CAST. As the President of the International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, I cannot fail do recognizing the strong input that the ISRM has received from CSRME and the colleagues from China. Organization of  congresses and a number of ISRM sponsored symposia, conferences, workshops and lecture tours in China, large amount of participations from China to all ISRM events with presentations of papers, contributions to the ISRM Board and to ISRM Commissions as chairman and commission member, support to the ISRM Education Fund, as the winner of some Best National Group Awards and other activities are the clear evidences of the strong input, support and cooperation by the Chinese National Group of Rock Mechanics and Engineering.  All these activities indicate that CSRME will continue to provide contributions to CAST and ISRM. 

Before I finish, I congratulate all science and technology workers of China and organization committees giving efforts for this two huge scale events.

Good wishes all of you for a successful, fruitful and nice national events which will also enhance the friendships and motivation of the science and all technology workers of China.