
围绕会议主题,本次大会邀请了二十位国际岩石力学领域的知名专家做大会特邀报告。大会开幕式后,ISRM亚洲区副主席Suseno Kramadibrata教授做了题为Analysis of transition of open-pit mine to underground block cave copper mine in Indonesia 的报告;中国矿业大学(北京)何满潮院士做了题为Innovation and future of mining rock mechanics的报告;ISRM副主席?mer Aydan 教授做了题为Recent innovations and trends in rock mechanics and rock engineering的报告;中国石化石油工程技术研究院路保平教授做了题为The technique and application of rock mechanical characteristics and drillability prediction while drilling的报告;ISRM印度国家小组主席Mahendra Singh教授做了题为Assessment of strength behavior of intact and jointed rocks: Applicability of critical state concept for rocks的报告;新加坡工程院院士Yingxin Zhou做了题为Innovations and practical rock engineering for cost effective cavern construction的报告;以色列本古里安大学Yossef H. Hatzor教授做了题为Discontinuity roughness and sliding instability 的报告;日本九州大学Guangqi Chen教授做了题为Development of numerical methods for analyzing landslide initiated chain disasters的报告;美国麻省理工大学Ruben Juanes教授做了题为Pore-pressure rate effects on injection-induced earthquakes: Insights from spring-slider models and 3D simulations的报告;越南河内交通大学Thu-Hang Tran副教授做了题为Seismic impact on the underground segment of Hanoi pilot metro line - Initial study by shaking table test的报告;英国牛津大学Heather Viles教授做了题为Built heritage and environmental change: past, present and future的报告;美国佐治亚理工学院Haiying Huang副教授做了题为A novel approach for poroelasticity characterization的报告;澳大利亚新南威尔士大学Serkan Saydam教授做了题为Planetary rock mechanics: A new subdiscipline required to build tomorrow的报告;辽宁大学潘一山教授做了题为Development and application of a hydraulic impact test machine for simulating rockburst conditions的报告;澳大利亚新南威尔士大学Ismet Canbulat教授做了题为Understanding and quantifying coal burst phenomenon的报告。