
发布时间:2019年04月16日 浏览数:31212
No. Name/会议名称 Time/时间 City/城市 Country /        国家 Sponsorer/主办单位 Organized by Website/网址
1 International IACMAG Symposium2019 5-7, Mar. Gandhinagar India IACMAG Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar http://events.iitgn.ac.in/2019/iacmag/index.php
2 UNESCO Chair Lecturer and Training Course in Shimane University 13-19, Mar Matsue Japan UNESCO Chair on Geoenvironmental Disaster Reduction Shimane University
3 Geotechnical Challenges in Karst--ISRM Specialised Conference 11-13, Apr. Omis-Split Croatia ISRM Croatian Geotechnical Society  http://www.hgd-cgs.hr 
4 ICGdR 2019 Council Meeing & UNESCO Chair Palu Workshop on Geoenvironmental Disaster Reduction 28-30, Apr. Palu Indonesia ICGdR;
UNESCO Chair on Geoenvironmental Disaster Reduction
5 13th Australia New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics 1-3, Apr. Perth Western Australia New Zealand Geotechnical Society INC/ ISSMGE/ ENGEOL/ ISRM https://geomechanics2019.com.au/
6 2019RDS-2019 Rock Dynamics Summit in OKINAWA(Specialized Symposium of ISRM) 7-11, May OKINAWA JAPAN ISRM Japanese Society for Rock Mechanics (NG Japan, ISRM)
JSCE - Rock Dynamics Committee of Japan
7 53rd US Rock Mechanics/ Geomechanics Symposium 23-26.Jun New York USA American Rock Mechanics Association http://www.armasymposium.org/
8 International Workshop on Underground Oil/gas Storage
8月18-20日 沈阳 中国 ISRM/CSRME Northeastern University and Seoul National University 
9 The 16th International Symposium on Geo-disaster Reduction (17ISGdR) 18-23, Aug. Issyk Kul Kyrgyz Republic International Consortium on Geo-disaster Reduction(ICGdR) https://icgdr.com/
10 International Congress on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 13-18,Sep. Iguassu Falls Brazil,Argentina ISRM Brazilian Rock Mechanics Committee( NG Brazilian, ISRM), Argentinian Society of Geotechnical Engineering(NG Argentinian,ISRM) and Paraguayan Society of Geotechnics (NG  Paraguayan,ISRM) http://www.isrm2019.com/
11 Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists 62nd Annual Meeting 17-22, Sep. North Carolina USA
12 12th Asian Regional Congress of IAEG 23-27, Sep. Jeju island South Korea IAEG http://www.iaegarc12.org/main/main.html
13 第九届中俄矿山深部开采岩石动力学高层论坛
6-8, Sep. 江苏省徐州市 中国岩石力学与工程学会
14 3rd International Conference on Information Technology in Geo-Engineering Sep.29-02 Oct. Guimaraes Portugal Portuguese Geotechnical Society/University of Minho/ Federation of International Geo-Engineering Societies http://www.3rd-icitg2019.civil.uminho.pt/
15 2019国际岩石力学与工程地质绍兴论坛 10月19--21日 浙江绍兴 http://www.sxfrg.org
16 South American Symp. On Rock Excavations 19-21, Nov. Santiago Chile
17 The 1st VIETNAM-CHINA Researchers and Engineer Symposium 22-24, Nov. Hanoi VIETNAM Vietnamese Soiety for Rock Mechanics& Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering
18 The 5th ISRM Young Scholars‘ Symposium on Rock Mechanics (YSRM2019) & International Symposium on Rock Engineering for Innovative Future(REIF2019) - ISRM 2019 Specialized Conference 1-4, Dec. Okinawa JAPAN ISRM Japanese Society for Rock Mechanics(NG Japan, ISRM) https://www.ec-pro.co.jp/ysrm2019/
19 第18届海峡两岸隧道与地下工程学术及技术研讨会 11月2-3日 重庆市 重庆市 中国岩石力学与工程学会地下工程分会、中国土木工程学会隧道与地下工程分会、台湾方面隧道协会联合主办