SKLGP大讲堂第96期 | 徐元坤 — Remote sensing and hydromechanical modeling of landslides

发布时间:2024年10月10日 浏览数:577

SKLGP大讲堂第96期 | 徐元坤 — Remote sensing and hydromechanical modeling of landslides

报告题目:Remote sensing and hydromechanical modeling of landslides



时间:2024.10.11 (周五) 16:00 – 17.30



2021年毕业于美国南卫理公会大学,2022年至今于美国加州大学伯克利分校地球与行星科学系从事博士后研究,研究方向为滑坡灾害以及其物理过程,主要通过遥感、野外观测和数值模拟等方法理解水文、地震以及人类活动对滑坡过程的响应机制,曾担任NSF,NASA、USGS等组织的项目评审专家,以第一作者或通讯作者在Remote Sensing of Environment, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface,landslides等重要刊物上发表论文20余篇。


Landslide are a damaging and ubiquitous hazard across the globe. This presentation focuses on three of the essential topics to characterize the landslide processes, including remote sensing of 3D landslide motion and deformation time series, forecasting of debris-flow inundation initiated from large catastrophic landslides using preconditioning deformation, and physical  understanding of the contrasting behaviors of slow-moving and catastrophic landslides. These studies show that an integrated approach of multi-sensor remote sensing, field instrumentation, and hydromechanical modeling could facilitate our understanding of the complex landslide processes and contribute to their hazard mitigation.